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Ansible Basics



In the world of IT, managing servers and applications can be a daunting task, especially when there are multiple servers and applications to manage. This is where Ansible comes in handy. Ansible is an open-source automation tool that enables IT professionals to manage and automate IT infrastructure. Ansible is easy to learn, easy to use, and is quickly becoming a popular choice for IT automation.

Ansible for Configuration Management

One of the primary applications of Ansible is configuration management. Ansible makes it easy to configure servers and applications by using a simple, yet powerful, language for defining configuration files. This language is known as YAML, and it is used to define configuration files called playbooks. Playbooks are a set of instructions that Ansible uses to configure servers and applications. The beauty of Ansible is that it can configure multiple servers at once, which saves time and effort.

Ansible for Provisioning

Another application of Ansible is provisioning. Provisioning is the process of creating new servers or virtual machines. Ansible can automate this process by using a tool called Vagrant. Vagrant is a tool that allows IT professionals to create and manage virtual machines. Ansible can be used with Vagrant to automate the process of creating new virtual machines. This saves time and effort by eliminating the need to manually create virtual machines.

Ansible for Deployment

The third application of Ansible is deployment. Deployment is the process of moving code from development to production. Ansible can automate this process by using a tool called Jenkins. Jenkins is a tool that allows IT professionals to build, test, and deploy code. Ansible can be used with Jenkins to automate the process of deploying code. This saves time and effort by eliminating the need to manually deploy code.

How Ansible Work?


Ansible Cheat Sheet



In conclusion, Ansible is a powerful automation tool that can be used for a variety of IT tasks. Ansible can be used for configuration management, provisioning, and deployment. Ansible is easy to learn, easy to use, and is quickly becoming a popular choice for IT automation. If you’re an IT professional looking for a way to save time and effort, Ansible is definitely worth considering.


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