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Chaos Engineering

Chaos Engineering: Embracing Failure and Building Resilient Systems

As technology advances, the complexity of our systems increases, making it harder to anticipate and handle failures. However, failure is inevitable in any system, and the earlier we can identify and address potential problems, the better. This is where Chaos Engineering comes in. In this blog post, we will explore what Chaos Engineering is, why it matters, and how it can help us build more resilient systems.

What is Chaos Engineering?

Chaos engineering is defined as “the discipline of experimenting on a system in order to build confidence in the system’s capability to withstand turbulent conditions in production” (Principles of Chaos Engineering, In other words, it’s a software testing method focusing on finding evidence of problems before they are experienced by users.

Chaos Engineering is a practice that involves intentionally injecting controlled failures into our systems to identify weaknesses and improve resiliency. The goal of Chaos Engineering is not to cause chaos, but rather to understand how our systems behave under stressful conditions and proactively address potential problems before they occur. By simulating real-world scenarios, we can better understand how our systems behave and identify potential vulnerabilities.

Why is Chaos Engineering Important?

In a world where downtime can result in significant financial losses and reputational damage, it is essential to build resilient systems that can withstand failures. Chaos Engineering helps us do just that by identifying potential problems and addressing them before they occur. By embracing failure, we can learn from it and improve our systems, making them more reliable and better equipped to handle unexpected events.

Motivations for chaos engineering

  • Determining risk and cost and setting service-level indicators, objectives, and agreements
  • Testing a system (often complex and distributed) as a whole
  • Finding emergent properties you were unaware of

How to Implement Chaos Engineering

Implementing Chaos Engineering requires a deliberate and structured approach. It involves identifying potential failure scenarios and designing experiments to simulate them. These experiments should be carefully controlled to ensure that they do not cause any lasting damage to our systems. The results of these experiments should be carefully analyzed to identify potential weak spots and develop strategies to address them.


  • Chaos Engineering: Site reliability through controlled disruption (Mikolaj Pawlikowski)