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Podman Cheat Sheet


Common usage

$ alias docker=podman

$ podman --version                    # Check version

$ sudo podman login -u USER_NAME REGISTRY_URL
                                    # Login to Registry
$ sudo podman login -u USER_NAME \
  -p ${TOKEN} \
                                    # Login with token or password
                                    # eg: in OpenShift, token can retrive as
                                    # $ TOKEN=$(oc whoami -t)

$ podman logout             # Remove login credentials for
$ podman logout --all               # Remove login credentials for all registries

                                    # search for an image in registry

$ sudo podman run --name test -u 1234 \
  -p 8080:8080 -d s2i-sample-app

$ sudo podman run -d --name TEST \
                                    # Create a container 

$ podman run --privileged podman run ubi8 echo hello
                                    # The easiest way to run Podman inside of a container is to use the --privileged flag.

$ sudo podman ps                    # List running containers
$ sudo podman stop CONTAINER_NAME   # STOP running containers
$ sudo podman rm CONTAINER_NAME     # remove running containers

$ sudo podman rmi IMAGE_NAME        # delete container image
$ sudo podman logs CONTAINER_NAME                    
                                    # check logs of running container

$ sudo podman build -t NAME .       # build container image from Dockerfile and spec
$ sudo podman images                # see available images

Advanced usage

## Rootful Podman in rootful Podman with --privileged
podman run --privileged podman run ubi8 echo hello

## added volume
podman run --privileged -v ./mycontainers:/var/lib/containers podman run ubi8 echo hello

## Rootless Podman in rootful Podman with --privileged
podman run --user podman --privileged podman run ubi8 echo hello

## Rootful Podman in rootful Podman without --privileged
podman run --cap-add=sys_admin,mknod --device=/dev/fuse --security-opt label=disable podman run ubi8-minimal echo hello

## Run podman inside podman and check podman version
$ podman run --privileged \ \
  podman version

## Run podman inside podman and using ubi8 image inside.
$ podman run --privileged \ \
  podman run ubi8 echo hello

$ podman run -it --privileged \ \
  podman version

$ podman run -it --privileged \ \
  podman run -d

$ podman run -it --privileged \ \
  podman version && git version uptime\
  git version;\
  git clone;\
  cd podman-experiments;\
  podman-compose up -d;\
  podman-compose down
  podman images

Container commands list

Command Man Page Description
attach podman-container-attach(1) Attach to a running container
checkpoint podman-container-checkpoint(1) Checkpoint a container
cleanup podman-container-cleanup(1) Cleanup network and mount points of a container
commit podman-container-commit(1) Commit a container into an image
cp podman-container-cp(1) Copy files/folder into and out of containers
create podman-container-create(1) Create a new container
diff podman-container-diff(1) Inspect changes in a containers file system
exec podman-container-exec(1) Run a process in a container
exists podman-container-exists(1) Check if a container exists
export podman-container-export(1) Export container’s filesystem as a tar archive
init podman-container-init(1) Init a container
inspect podman-container-inspect(1) Display detailed information on a container
kill podman-container-kill(1) Send a signal to containers in container
List (ps) podman-container-list(1) List all of the containers
logs podman-container-logs(1) Fetch logs for a container
mount podman-container-mount(1) Mount a container’s root filesystem
pause podman-container-pause(1) Pause container
port podman-container-port(1) List port mappings for a container
prune podman-container-prune(1) Remove all non running containers
rename podman-container-rename(1) Rename an existing container
restart podman-container-restart(1) Restart a container
restore podman-container-restore(1) Restore a checkpointed container
rm podman-container-rm(1) Remove a container
run podman-container-run(1) Run a command in a new container
runlabel podman-container-runlabel(1) Execute the command described by an image label
start podman-container-start(1) Start a container
stats podman-container-stats(1) Display statistics for a container
stop podman-container-stop(1) Stop a container
top podman-container-top(1) Display running process in container
unmount podman-container-unmount(1) Unmount a container’s root filesystem
unpause podman-container-unpause(1) Unpause all the containers in a pod
wait podman-container-wait(1) Wait for a container to exit

Pod commands list

Command Man Page Description
create podman-pod-create(1) Create a new pod
exists podman-pod-exists(1) Check if a pod exists
inspect podman-pod-inspect(1) Display detailed information on a pod
kill podman-pod-kill(1) Send a signal to containers in pod
list podman-pod-list(1) List all of the pods
logs podman-pod-logs(1) Fetch logs for pod with one or more containers
pause podman-pod-pause(1) Pause all the containers in a pod
prune podman-pod-prune(1) Remove all stopped pods and their containers
restart podman-pod-restart(1) Restart a pod
rm podman-pod-rm(1) Remove one or more pods
stats podman-pod-stats(1) Display statistics for the containers in a pods
start podman-pod-start(1) Start a pod
stop podman-pod-stop(1) Stop a pod
top podman-pod-top(1) Display running process in the pod
unpause podman-pod-unpause(1) Unpause all the containers in a pod

Podman on MacOS

## Intall podman and qemu
brew install podman qemu
podman machine init
podman machine start


  • Podman in Action - The next generation of container engines (Dan Walsh)
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