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How to Find out Open Files for a Given PID or Process



When it comes to managing processes on a system, understanding the open files for a particular process can be helpful in troubleshooting and optimizing performance. In this blog post, we will explore how to calculate the open files for a given PID or process name.

Using lsof to Calculate Open Files

The most common way to calculate open files for a process is to use the lsof (List Open Files) command. With lsof, you can list all the open files for a given PID or process name.

To get the open files for a particular PID, run the following command:

lsof | grep
lsof -i:PORT
lsof -p PID


fuser -v

Using /proc to Calculate Open Files

An alternative way to calculate open files for a process is to use the /proc filesystem. The /proc filesystem is a virtual filesystem that provides information about running processes and system resources.

To get the open files for a particular PID using /proc, run the following command:

ls /proc/{PID}/fd

This will list all the file descriptors for the specified PID.


In this blog post, we have explored three different ways to calculate the open files for a given PID or process name. Whether you prefer to use lsof, /proc, or ps, understanding the open files for a process can be helpful in managing and troubleshooting performance on a system.

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