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Bitbucket CI



In the world of software development, continuous integration (CI) is an important process that ensures that all changes to a codebase are built, tested, and deployed in an automated way. Bitbucket is a popular code hosting platform that provides built-in CI/CD capabilities. In this blog post, we will discuss how to use Bitbucket CI for your software development projects.

Setting Up Bitbucket CI

To get started with Bitbucket CI, you need to have a Bitbucket account and a repository with a codebase that needs to be built, tested, and deployed. Bitbucket CI uses a YAML file, called bitbucket-pipelines.yml, to define the build, test, and deployment steps. The bitbucket-pipelines.yml file needs to be added to the root of the repository.

Here is a sample bitbucket-pipelines.yml file that defines a simple build and test pipeline:

# This is a sample Bitbucket Pipelines configuration file.
# Use a YAML validator to check your syntax.
# -----
# You can specify a custom docker image from Docker Hub as your build environment.
image: node:10.15.3

      - step:
          name: Install dependencies
            - npm install
            - node_modules/**
      - step:
          name: Test
            - npm test

Once you have added the bitbucket-pipelines.yml file to your repository, Bitbucket CI will automatically detect it and start building, testing, and deploying your codebase.

Running Bitbucket CI Pipelines

Bitbucket CI pipelines can be run manually or automatically. When a change is pushed to a repository, Bitbucket CI will automatically run the pipeline defined in the bitbucket-pipelines.yml file. You can also run the pipeline manually by clicking on the “Run pipeline” button in the Bitbucket UI.

During the pipeline execution, you can view the progress, logs, and artifacts of each step in the pipeline. If a step fails, the pipeline will stop and notify you of the failure. You can then debug the issue and fix it before running the pipeline again.

Benefits of Using Bitbucket CI

Bitbucket CI provides several benefits to software development teams. It enables you to automate the build, test, and deployment process, which saves time and reduces the risk of human error. Bitbucket CI also provides a consistent and repeatable build environment, which ensures that the codebase is built and tested in the same way every time. Additionally, Bitbucket CI enables you to easily integrate with other tools such as Jira, Slack, and AWS, which can further streamline your development process.


Bitbucket CI is a powerful tool that enables software development teams to automate the build, test, and deployment process. By using Bitbucket CI, you can save time, reduce the risk of human error, and ensure that your codebase is built and tested in a consistent and repeatable way. With its easy integration with other tools and services, Bitbucket CI can help streamline your development process and improve your team’s productivity.


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