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Frequently used Jenkins plugins



Jenkins is an open-source automation server that helps automate the software development process. It can be used for continuous integration, continuous delivery, and testing. One of the most significant advantages of Jenkins is its vast collection of plugins that extend its functionality. In this blog post, we will discuss the most frequently used plugins in Jenkins.

Pipeline Plugin

The Pipeline plugin is one of the most popular plugins in Jenkins. It allows users to define their entire build process as a script. The Pipeline plugin uses Groovy DSL to define the pipeline, which makes it easy to create complex workflows. With the Pipeline plugin, users can define and execute the complete software delivery pipeline as code, making it easier to maintain and version control.

Git Plugin

The Git plugin is another widely used plugin in Jenkins. It allows users to integrate their Jenkins build with Git, a popular version control system. With the Git plugin, users can configure their Jenkins job to pull the latest code from a Git repository and build it automatically. The plugin also enables users to trigger the build when a new commit is pushed to the repository.

Build Pipeline Plugin

The Build Pipeline plugin allows users to visualize their Jenkins build pipeline as a sequence of stages. With this plugin, users can create a graphical representation of their build pipeline, making it easier to understand the flow of the build process. The Build Pipeline plugin also enables users to monitor the status of each stage and quickly identify any failed stages.

Active Choices Plug-in
Ant Plugin
Build Blocker Plugin
Build Name Setter Plugin
Conditional BuildStep
Credentials Plugin
CVS Plug-in
description setter plugin
Environment Injector Plugin
External Monitor Job Type Plugin
Git Changelog
Git client plugin
Git Parameter Plug-In
Git plugin
GIT server Plugin
Git Tag Message Plugin
Gitlab Hook Plugin
Javadoc Plugin
Job Configuration History Plugin
jQuery plugin
JUnit Plugin
LDAP Plugin
Mailer Plugin
Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin
Matrix Project Plugin
Maven Integration plugin
Node and Label parameter plugin
OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin
PAM Authentication plugin
Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin
Parameterized Trigger plugin
Post-Build Script Plug-in
Publish Over SSH
Purge Job History Plugin
Run Condition Plugin
S3 package parameter plugin
SCM API Plugin
Script Security Plugin
SSH Credentials Plugin
SSH plugin
SSH Slaves plugin
SSH2 Easy Plugin
Subversion Plug-in
Token Macro Plugin
Translation Assistance plugin
user build vars plugin
Windows Slaves Plugin


Jenkins is a powerful automation server that can help streamline the software development process. The vast collection of plugins available for Jenkins makes it even more flexible and customizable. In this blog post, we discussed the most frequently used plugins in Jenkins, including the Pipeline plugin, Git plugin, and Build Pipeline plugin. By using these plugins, users can create and execute complex workflows, integrate Jenkins with popular version control systems, and visualize their build pipeline.


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