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Vim Hotkey

Edit Commands

i        insert before the word
a        insert after the word
I        insert at the beginning of the line
A        insert at the end of the line
o        open a new line to edit
O        open a line above


10 i * 【ESC】       insert 10 *
25 a xx 【ESC】      insert 25 xx
J                 Join two lines


4l        move 4 characters to the right
0         move to the beginning of the line
^      move to the beginning of the line
$         move to the end of the line
2w        move forward two words
3W        move forward three words (count only spaces)
2b        move backward two words
5B        move backward five words (count only spaces)
e         move to the end of the word

Move within the screen

H        move to the top of the screen
M        move to the middle of the screen
L        move to the bottom of the screen
nH       move to the nth line of the current screen (upward)
nL       move to the nth line of the current screen (downward)

Move between sentences, paragraphs and sections

(         move to the beginning of the sentence
)         move to the end of the sentence (beginning of the next sentence)
{         move to the beginning of the paragraph
}         move to the end of the paragraph
[[        move to the beginning of the section
]]        move to the end of the section


【Ctrl】+F        scroll down one screen
【Ctrl】+B        scroll up one screen
【Ctrl】+D        scroll down half screen
【Ctrl】+U        scroll up half screen
/ XX           search XX
/【Enter】        search downward
?【Enter】        search upward
f XX           search within the line (forward)
F XX           search within the line (backward)
R                replace mode
s                delete and insert the current word
S                delete the whole line and insert at the beginning
~                change case
p                put
2p               put twice (paste)
xp               transpose two characters
d                delete
2dd              delete two lines downward
d3w              delete three words forward
y                yank
yy               copy the whole line
y2w              copy two words forward
c                change
cw               change the whole word
c2w              change two words forward
r                replace
5rT              replace next 5 characters with T
【Enter】         move to the first character of the next line
-                move to the first character of the previous line
^                move to the first non-space character of the line
n|               move to the nth column of the line
gg               move to the top of the document
G                move to the bottom of the document
10G              move to line 10
【Ctrl】+G        show line status
zz               save and exit
:e!              clear all editing results
:q!              exit without saving
.                repeat the last command
u                undo
【Ctrl】+R        redo

Scroll without moving the cursor

z 【Enter】        put the line at the cursor to the top of the screen
z  .              put the line at the cursor to the middle of the screen
z -               put the line at the cursor to the bottom of the screen